Best of 2011 posts
At the very end of 2011, I decided to post my top 10 posts over the year 2011:
- RAID5 DeepDive and Full-Stripe Nerdvana
- “If only we could still get 36GB disks for speed”
- VM performance troubleshooting: A quick list of things to check
- Cool videos on Technology, Virtualization and Storage
- Different Routes to the same Storage Challenge
- Under the covers with Miss Alignment: Full-stripe writes
- VMworld Party Copenhagen 2011 – What’s Hot & What’s Not
- Whiteboxing part 1: Deciding on your ultimate ESX Whitebox
- Whiteboxing part 2: Building the ultimate Whitebox
- Veeam Backup part 2- Using jumbo frames to target storage
My view on things
For me personally, 2011 has been a crazy year. Getting one’s head around being a vSpecialist working for EMC, the world leader in the storage and virtualization segment is not an easy task. Now that I’m settling down in this new function I hope to have some more time to do cool technical deepdive stuff in 2012.
Both EMC and VMware have a very similar vision where things are going. And if the biggest storage vendor and the biggest virtualization vendor have a joint vision… I think you understand where we will all be going next year….