I am a fan of VMware Infrastructure. I live in the Netherlands… I like playing around with storage, and also with backup products like Veeam, PHD Virtual (esXpress) and Avamar… You can also follow me on twitter: @erikzandboer
I used to work for Dataman in a superb technical team. Unfortunately, Dataman went bankrupt. Through a fusion they continued their our work within iTricity. But iTricity just was not working for me. So as of february 2011, I have joined EMC’s vSpecialists team!
In the past I have been doing all kinds of stuff. Started out as an embedded hardware/software designer, did some IT management work, networking, change management and of course… VMware! Lately I’ve been doing more and more storage-related stuff.
My hard- and embedded software background have pushed me into this ludicrous-yet-fun home project to build an automated fragment of jungle in my livingroom. Check it out at paludarium.xhd.nl and www.paluweb.nl !
As a hobby I also do a lot of photography. After using an EOS 350D and 400D for years, I finally convinced myself to get a Canon EOS 7D, a Canon 100-400L, Canon 100 F/2.8 macro, Canon EF-S 15-85 and a Canon 50 F/1.8…
Online on my website some ideas of what I photograph: www.xhd.nl. Be sure to check it out!