Posts Tagged ‘Miss Alignment’

Under the Covers with Miss Alignment Part 2: Linked Clones

This post is the continuation of Under the Covers with Miss Alignment: I keep hearing this rumor more and more often: It appears that both snapshots and linked clones on vSphere 4.x and 5.0 are misaligned. Not having had the time to actually put this to the test, I thought it would at least be informative to give you some more down-and-dirty information on the subject.

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The Elusive Miss Alignment

Is it a new miss election?? Well, after doing more than a little testing I figured out I may be MISSing something… So unfortunately it is not about beautiful women, but yet another technical deepdive. This time into misalignment. Theoretically it is SO easy to point out what the problem is (see Throughput part 3: Data alignment. For this new blog entry I had my mind set on showing the differences between misalignment and alignment in the lab… However this proves to be much MUCH harder than anticipated…

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Soon to come
  • Coming soon

    • Determining Linked Clone overhead
    • Designing the Future part1: Server-Storage fusion
    • Whiteboxing part 4: Networking your homelab
    • Deduplication: Great or greatly overrated?
    • Roads and routes
    • Stretching a VMware cluster and "sidedness"
    • Stretching VMware clusters - what noone tells you
    • VMware vSAN: What is it?
    • VMware snapshots explained
    • Whiteboxing part 3b: Using Nexenta for your homelab
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