Posts Tagged ‘vSphere 5’
Steve Herrods VMworld Keynote Summary
Welcome to the tuesday General Session. Steve Herrod is taking the stage with some cool new stuff. This blogpost is typed as-we-go, so bear with me if anything is misspelled or looks chaotic 🙂
Steve is looking at three phases in VDI: Simplify, Manage and Connect. These three phases are important to distinguish: First you simplify, you need to manage your setup, and users need to connect. View 5 is built to accommodate this to the max.
Up next, the new goodness for small businesses and finally… Melvin the Monster VM!
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vSphere 5 now available for download
After the official announcement of vSphere 5 by VMware on the 22nd, the binaries are finally available for download!

VMware vSphere, the industry-leading virtualization platform for building cloud infrastructures, enables you to run business critical applications with confidence and respond to the business faster. (4:15 mins.)
The build number of ESXi5 is 469512, while both vCenter5 and the VI client are build number 456005.
I would encourage everyone to at least play around with vSphere5; there are too many cool features not to be! My homelab has been running vSphere5 now for some time, and I haven’t encountered too many bizarre things to regret my decision. VMware did it again!
Download vSphere 5 (free ESXi version)
Download vSphere 5 (registered versions)
Whiteboxing part 2: Building the ultimate Whitebox
In part 1 of this series I posted the way I selected hardware for my ultimate whitebox server. A whitebox server is a cheap server you can use to run VMware vSphere without it being on the VMware HCL. Never supported, but working nonetheless. Now that the hardware to use was selected and ordered from my local computer components dealer, the next step is to assemble and test the setup, which is the focus of this post.
vSphere 5: The next level.
So the big news is out: vSphere 5 is here! With a lot of exciting new features, of which I will be posting several deepdives I’m sure.
For now, let’s just look at the new and exciting features vSphere 5 brings to the table.
VMware’s clear messaging
With the coming of vSphere, VMware has a very clear messaging around this new release which raises the bar once again:
- Deploy Business Critical Applications with Confidence;
- Respond to the Needs of the Business Faster with Cloud Agility;
- Move to Cloud Computing with Trust.
Some great point to strive for I think. vSphere 5 will enable even bigger VMs to run. That is the ESX part of the game. Next, agility is on the agenda. Where competing hypervisors may deliver the same performance, VMware is aiming on their toolset to further improve their agility. Cloud computing is a very important step I think.
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